Weather Umag
Sunrise 07:34 |
Sunset 16:22 |
Wind 9.8 km/h |
Pressure 1013.6 hPa |
Precipation 0.0 mm |
Weather forecast for Umag for the next 6 days
Tuesday, 10
Precipation | 0.0 mm |
Wind | 10.8 kmh |
Pressure | 1014.8 hPa |
Wednesday, 11
Precipation | 0.0 mm |
Wind | 6.5 kmh |
Pressure | 1021.1 hPa |
Thursday, 12
Precipation | 0.0 mm |
Wind | 7.2 kmh |
Pressure | 1028.0 hPa |
Friday, 13
Precipation | 0.0 mm |
Wind | 2.6 kmh |
Pressure | 1029.2 hPa |
Saturday, 14
Precipation | 0.0 mm |
Wind | 2.4 kmh |
Pressure | 1030.3 hPa |
Sunday, 15
Precipation | 0.0 mm |
Wind | 3.2 kmh |
Pressure | 1025.7 hPa |
Apartments Maris - Umag
apartment: A2, A2, A2
bed capacity: 2-8
from 15 Eur/bed
to the sea: 200 m
Apartment Pino Josip - Umag
apartment: A2+2
bed capacity: 2-4
from 10 Eur/bed
to the sea: 250 m
Apartments Jurišević - Umag
apartment: A2, A2, A4, A3
bed capacity: 2-10
from 20 Eur/bed
to the sea: 500 m
Laureta Umag - Umag
apartment: Aapp1(4+1), Astudio (2+1), Astudio (2), Aapp(4+1)
bed capacity: 2-15
from 10 Eur/bed
to the sea: 250 m
Apartment Baladur - Umag
apartment: A2
bed capacity: 1-2
from 0 Eur/bed
to the sea: 5 m
Apartment - Umag
apartment: A2+2, A2+2, A2+1, A2+1
bed capacity: 2-3
from 12 Eur/bed
to the sea: 20 m